Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekend Treasures

This was a fun weekend of treasure hunting,check out some of my fabulous finds. Found a fantastic wood bird cage, very similar to Bert and Ernie's first home,a small iron bakers rack that would be so cute for a small space like a bathroom to hold towels or on a  porch for your plants. My favorite is a small metal trash can with a lid, so many uses, inside or out. I keep potting soil in mine!  A lot of  fun things for the  garden, or to put a bit of whimsy into your home, stop on by and check out whats new.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Things That Make My Heart Go Pitter-Patter

The really fun part of having the Vintage Emporium is that I get to shop!!! Someone came in  yesterday and commented that they could buy everything  in the store. It occurred to me,funny, I DID buy everything in the store!!!  Kind of crazy when I look around at  everything, there has been a lot of serious shopping involved here. So I thought it would be fun to chronicle my shopping trips by adding a photo or two to my new blog. I was out super early this morning and filled the car with what I think are some pretty fantastic treasures. For me anything peely,chippy,rusty,shabby,makes my heart sing.  There is a story behind every object,a history that the new owner might never know,but it is there,and gives the piece a certain weight. It has a feeling about it that something with a made in China sticker on the bottom will never have.  I love vintage, I love old stuff, and if that's what makes your heart go pitter-patter stop by and we can swap junkin stories.  Make it a fabulous day!!!!! xoxojulie

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Life is Good

Everyday someone comes into the shop and asks,in a somewhat somber tone "So, how ya doin?".             Yes, times are tough.  Turn on the news, morning, noon and night we are reminded, that yes indeed, times are tough.  But here's the thing...every morning I unlock the door to the Vintage, drag all the stuff outside, pick up the trash, water the plants and wave hello to my neighbors. I sweep the sidewalk and feel an overwhelming sense of pride for my little shop. I open the front door, turn on all the lights and put on the music. I turn my sign around  from SHUT to OPEN and I am ready for the day.  Sometimes, the day starts out slow, very slow, and I start to think "OH NO", but then someone walks in, "I've driven by here a hundred times" they say as they look around.  "Gee, what a cute store, how long have you been here?" and ,"So, how ya doing?"   "I'm doing great " I say...........Life is good