Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Look for the Vintage Emporium

The Vintage is getting a whole new fresh look outside and yes, we will be open during this snazzy facelift. Looking for cute Halloween decor? Come on down, we have spiders and rats,cats and spooky bats, and not to leave out, really cool witch hats that will be the talk of your Halloween party. Don't be scared of our prices, they are still the best in town. Stop in for a treat or two.....xoxojulie

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fabulous Fall Finds

Fall is my favorite season.  The air is crisp, the sky is blue, leaves turn  the most amazing colors. Sweaters, boots and apple cider, what could be better!  I took a little road trip this weekend, followed the coast up to San Luis Obisbo.  I hated closing the shop for a day but decided a little time away was truly needed.  So I gave myself a gift, time, time to simply exhale, time to marvel at just being in a beautiful place, time to spend with new friends,enjoy a delicious breakfast and laugh, time to laugh.  It was a great gift...... It was also time to shop, and that I did.  I packed the car with a bounty of fabulous fall finds, yummy little treats to share with my customers. Yep, I love fall and I am so glad I was able to grab a little piece of it.  Hopefully you will take a little time for yourself too....Life is good