Tuesday, April 26, 2011

5th Anniversary!!!

        April 1st I celebrated  the Vintage Emporiums 5th anniversary!!!  Pretty exciting for me, I can't believe it has been five years.  It started with a saying on a coffee mug, "what would you do today if you knew you would not fail?"  I had heard the quote before, my friend Jen used it often, but for some reason, on that particular day, at that particular moment it was an epiphany for me. What would I do if I knew I could not fail? We all have dreams, our someday dreams, but rarely do we actually make them happen. Life gets in the way, and our someday dreams get lost and fade. It struck me that it is fear that holds us back,fear of failure. I always had the idea of my own shop,maybe a little sandwich place, a tea shop or a little boutique.  What if I couldn't fail, what if it didn't matter if I did?  Well , just about one month later, on April 1st.2006 I opened the Vintage Emporium. Ironic that it was April Fools Day. This is my someday dream come true. It has been the most wonderful experience, each and every day bringing something magical into my life. I have met and come to know as friends the most amazing people.  I taught my children that you are only a failure if you don't try, I truly believe that.  My next dream is to conquer the computer....one blog at a time!!!! Dream On.............

Vintage Emporium
3423 Orange Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90807

Store Hours
Tuesday -Friday 11-6
Saturday 11-6   Sunday 10-2